Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Its time for an epi of "Really bitch?? Really???"

Watch who you tell things to....it might come back to bite you in the ass!

Its now 11:40pm and Im sitting here thinking about how some people can just really devote their life to making other's lives hell. I for one am a very OPEN person so when I view the worlds cosmic bull shit I tend to give it the reaction it (in my mind) deserves. Hey I'm human and not one of you can AFFORD to judge me or tell me how I should or should not be. Anyhow...I try to practice restraint and biting of the tongue so on and so forth but SOME bitches reallllllyyyy test that nerve. We all have that NERVE don't you DARE act like you too high and mighty to have "the nerve" because we ALL have one. Well in a nutshell it has been painfully brought to my attention that a certain young lady in my family circle (I will not mention any names) has been talking behind my back saying how she doesn't f*ck with me and I have a loud mouth etc..etc. Well this SAME young lady who's flapped her yapp about not liking me (as if I give 2 shyts either way...lol) called me a few days ago because she needed a ride somewhere and I agreed NOT KNOWING until AFTER the fact she had been slandering me. I found out just moments before doing her the favor of dropping her little ass off where she needed to go (yes I do have class) even though I heard she was running her mouth about not liking me just before I picked her up. I didnt even confront her about it. Know what I did? I chalked it up to her young mindedness....(*note: she's only 19. I'm 28. what I look like fighting & arguing with a little girl her age?) although she's of legal age for me not to catch a charge for beating down a youngin BUT I still practiced incredble restraint. I figure I'm not gonna say anything because her little 2 faced ass is going to LEARN the hard way. She's gonna do that 2 faced shyt to some random chicks and they aren't gonna play that shyt and they are gonna whip her little ass. Plain and simple. I'll let her learn to keep peoples name out her mouth from some chicks her own age or just some other chicks period. Its going to be a hard lesson BUT its for her own good. That will teach her that its NOT ok to fake like you like someone just to get what you want and talk shyt about them behind their back like it won't get repeated. My thing is I never had any issues with this little girl. NONE. I looked at her like a little cousin or a sister even. If she needed something I hepled her out the best way I can. She has eternally FLAMED her bridge with me as far as I am concerned. There are no more favors. If you can't get around thats YOUR problem now. I was there for you and nice to you and you didnt appreciate it Really bitch???? Really? Thought she could get over but instead she got caught up. Its amazing how black women treat eachother. I'm not always perfect myself in the way I treat other black women but sometimes WE make it so damn hard to give even the smallest amount of decency and respect. WHY?

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

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