Monday, March 9, 2009

Bey AKA Mrs. S.Carter...why so much hatred?

Ok so I am going to come out and say that I for one am a HUGE Beyonce supporter and fan. She is on the brink of releasing a new video...that I didn't get to catch the name of....BUT I wanted to get on this issue about the negative display in behavior that women show eachother. I picked this particular article: ( as an example to show just how catty women can be towards another women. Beyonce is very successful and has gotten everything she has honestly. She's extremely talented, highly motivated and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Despite what we (those of us who don't know Mrs. Carter personally) do know about Bey, she is a very humble and soft spoken person who does NOT entertain hatred or negativity that is spewed in her general direction. I can honestly say that I respect that about her. How she does it? I don't know....maybe I need to take a class from her or something because the things that have been said about her go above and beyond deserving no response or reaction. She has been called everything in the book from bitch, hoe, slut, fake, and whack etc... It seems that many women are tired of her or what seems to me jealous or envious of her. My thing is why are women attacking this woman and acting like she did something so personally wrong to each of them? Beyonce is a HUSTLER! Not in a bad way of course. She works hard and has a gimmick that works for her so why hate on that? Even if she is a bitch in real life...who knows that other than the people in her camp? Why should we be so concerned if she wears fake anything or if she's a real bitch or if she WAS (past tense) sexing and loving up different men? Why does that affect anyone who is NOT her? Women need to do a better job of sticking together and helping eachother to elevate, get on a grind that empowers us, get closer to our family members, reach out to our communities, be cordial to one another, teach these hardheaded ass kids about respect and discipline, spread love and stop hating on eachother for our successes or lack there of! WTF is the problem! We have children out here that NEED someone like Beyonce to look up to so they can see what to do instead of what NOT to do to get where they need or want to be. Beyonce is the definition of what it is to be a WOMAN. She handles her business not letting little sh*t like rumors and trash talking get in her way. If you ask me there are a lot of women who need to ADMIT that its not that they don't like her....they are JEALOUS! Yeah I said it....JEALOUS! You know...that ugly little word that accompanies ENVY? Yeah that too! I'm just going say that instead of all the name calling and hatrd towards a woman that you hardly know, why don't the haters put that energy into doing something productive to perfect their grind and swagg like going back to school, starting a business, work harder at your current job to get a somthing! All this wasted time hating eachother is WHACK! PLAYED OUT!!! If you're not about elevation and helping eachother instead of tearing eachother down...then you really shouldn't open your mouth saying ANYTHING about another WOMAN who has the guts, drive, intelligence, talent and ambition to get to where she wants to go! Better terminology: Get off your asses and do something productive besides hating eachother. I can garentee that while people are sitting back hating on these successful women like Beyonce...they are sitting back laughing like: I'm STILL doing my thang....what are you doing productive in your life?

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

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