Friday, March 27, 2009

Diddy's preference....DARK or LIGHT? WOW! I am a light skinned Puertorican /African American female. Lord knows I absolutely adore Diddy and love his keen business sense, taste in fashion, and his music projects are phenomenal! So I heard through a *grape-vine* that good ol' Diddy seems to have a *thing* for light-skinned women...mostly white, hispanic, and light complected African American women. He recently put out an ad or casting call for light skinned female promoters for his "Ciroc" ad campaign in which he recieves 50% of the Ciroc profits. Now check it...he's making it abundantly CLEAR that he ONLY WANTS light skin women to apply. I'm thinking to myself "what's wrong with dark skinned women?" I'm stuck between a rock and a hardplace on this one. Should I be flattered that he loves light skinned women or should I be offended that he is in some way *seemingly* betraying his own kind?
Last time I checked Diddy was a dark skinned African American of the beautifullest kinds of men on this earth. I guess my question is why would he separate women like that based on skin complexion? This could be viewed 2 ways: 1. He has a preference for light skinned women and that is his right. Just like anyone else in the world we have our preferences in kinds of people we like or are attracted to and thats what makes us unique. OR 2. He's going by what would sell the product *Ciroc* of course everyone knows SEX SELLS....but the million dollar question is: What would make Diddy think that light skinned women would sell products better than a dark skinned women? Studies or statistics (I'd like to see those)? Has it occured to Diddy that *HE* is dark skinned and he makes outstanding sales? Is it a legitmate business move or just his right to preference? Just a thought....
Me personally....I'd like to believe it's one of those *yup Diddy does it again* business moves. He's an intelligent we'll need to see where he goes with this one...I for one know that if it turns out to be something along the lines of he just doesn't like DARK women or think they are good enough...he's getting boycotted ASAP! The other thing I noticed is that he wants these light skinned women to be size 7 and under and atleast 5'6" or taller. I am not a size 7...but I am 5'9"....why all the discrimination? Haven't we faced enough of it AND we are in a horrific recession? Diddy people NEED jobs out here....
I for one know a few women that are highly attractive....DARK SKINNED....size 7+ and 5'6"+ that will bust their behinds for a gig like this (Ciroc pays $35 an hour) (one of them is currently a Heinekin Honey...and she does the damn thing with her gorgeous self!)...I also know some women that are size 12+ that are absolutely beautiful and work extra hard to get a job done *surpassing* satisfaction and can sell lighters in hell on a hot summer day in August...So I guess I'm saying Diddy "what are you REALLY trying to say?" What example are you setting for your children? or children period? What messege are you sending out to WOMEN in general? Things that make you go hmmm?

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Featured Comedian: Darnell Wright!

Who is Darnell Wright? If you have to ask yourself this question then you need to step your comedian game up times a trillion! He's created quite a following of fans and definitely the talk of the comedic world! I have witnessed first hand the mind of this comedic genius! I actually talk to him on a regular basis catching up with his latest and most hilarious daily skits he offers on Myspace and Facebook. Stepping into the mind of this man will leave even the MOST SERIOUS and well contained person in stitches! I promise if you just read some of the situations he talks about in his blogs YOU WILL: LOL, LMAO, LYFAO, LLS, ROTFLYMFAO and then some! If you think he's funny online (and he IS effin hilarious)...this pales in comparison to his actual shows!

Warning: Consumption of liquids while reading his blogs or attending his shows is not recommended UNLESS you don't mind pee'ing your pants from all the laughter you will endure. Reading his material while in the work place can also bring fits of laughter and may not be suitable for your work environment (full of stiffs)...and may cause you to get fired and or probation. BUT IT's WORTH IT!!! I am stamping and approving Darnell Wright is definitely on his way to being the KING of his bio below:

Talk about talent? Darnell Wright sure has a lot of it and has no problem displaying that on stage or in his writings. He knows how to embrace the stage and make it his own. With only 4 short years in the game he’s accomplished what most strive for in a career. Darnell took a chance at his jobs talent competition and went on to win first place prize. The positive response from the crowd motivated him to pursue comedy as a career. From that moment he’s done over 300 shows nationwide, and headlined 4 sold out One-Hour-One-Man shows. He’s performed in almost every major club including the most recognized Comedy Club Caroline’s on Broadway in NYC.
He performed at countless Colleges, High Schools, and even Church events. And has shared the stage with today’s hottest comedians such as: Gerald Kelly, A.G. White, Talent, and was blessed to be coming off the stage when a Comedian Legend decided to grace the stage unexpectedly, David Chappelle at Gothem Comedy Club in NYC.

His comedic timing is right on point and his material is for all audiences across the board. Darnell is energetic, raw, and has the ability to make any topic funny. His skits deal with his drinking problems, to his outlandish jobs, his horrible dates, to even clowning his own short stint on the “I Love New York Show” season 2 on VH1. He has catchy punch lines that will have you reciting them well after the show. Darnell has the complete package to be one of comedy’s biggest stars.

To go along with his stage presents he’s also an Internet writing phenomenon. With writing for Humor Mill Magazine an online magazine geared toward Comedian and Urban News and his funny “Blogs” on MySpace, Darnell has grown is fan base to 30,000 daily readers. With blogs like “Top 5 Reasons Crack Isn’t That Bad” and “What If Tom Was Black” he has taking MySpace blogging to another level. He’s currently ranked in MySpace’s Top 200 most popular Bloggers, an impressive rank considering the hundreds of millions of people on the site alone.

Make sure you keep your eyes and ears open for this next rising star from Brooklyn. You can check out when and where Darnell will be performing next by checking him out on www. myspace. com/darnellwright
Stay tuned for a second piece on Darnell Wright where I'll get personal....he said himself that he will answer we'll see ladies...For a closer look...(and he is handsome)...add yourself to his friends list on myspace! I promise you will not regret!
"What doesn't make you laugh will make you why not cry laughin?" LOL!
~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

DC on the rise! Check our foot work! LOL!

What a different idea! I thought these were kinda neat. Feelin the earth tone colors and the laid back style.
If you are a fashion guru then you will know how to dress these shoes and make em your own! They come with the recipe inside of this shoe made and named after a shrimp dish. Every one's opinion of them will not be like mine but yall know my name:
~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A "No they didn't" moment: LMAO!

OMG!!! Somebody please explain to me WHY anyone would want to make a home made sex toy out of a saw? NOT CUTE!!! The results are unforgettable alright! Again I am aware that anyone being hospitalized or even dying is not funny...BUT...the circumstances surrounding such idiocy is FRIGGIN HILARIOUS!!! I'm sorry but I am ROTFLMMFAO @ This couple....check out the article:

You will NOT believe what the heck they have going on in their bedroom...EFFIN hysterical!
Lets just say home girl had to be airlifted via medivac due to her and her boyfriends sexual experiment...power tools are not for sexual pleasure people!

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bey AKA Mrs. S.Carter...why so much hatred?

Ok so I am going to come out and say that I for one am a HUGE Beyonce supporter and fan. She is on the brink of releasing a new video...that I didn't get to catch the name of....BUT I wanted to get on this issue about the negative display in behavior that women show eachother. I picked this particular article: ( as an example to show just how catty women can be towards another women. Beyonce is very successful and has gotten everything she has honestly. She's extremely talented, highly motivated and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Despite what we (those of us who don't know Mrs. Carter personally) do know about Bey, she is a very humble and soft spoken person who does NOT entertain hatred or negativity that is spewed in her general direction. I can honestly say that I respect that about her. How she does it? I don't know....maybe I need to take a class from her or something because the things that have been said about her go above and beyond deserving no response or reaction. She has been called everything in the book from bitch, hoe, slut, fake, and whack etc... It seems that many women are tired of her or what seems to me jealous or envious of her. My thing is why are women attacking this woman and acting like she did something so personally wrong to each of them? Beyonce is a HUSTLER! Not in a bad way of course. She works hard and has a gimmick that works for her so why hate on that? Even if she is a bitch in real life...who knows that other than the people in her camp? Why should we be so concerned if she wears fake anything or if she's a real bitch or if she WAS (past tense) sexing and loving up different men? Why does that affect anyone who is NOT her? Women need to do a better job of sticking together and helping eachother to elevate, get on a grind that empowers us, get closer to our family members, reach out to our communities, be cordial to one another, teach these hardheaded ass kids about respect and discipline, spread love and stop hating on eachother for our successes or lack there of! WTF is the problem! We have children out here that NEED someone like Beyonce to look up to so they can see what to do instead of what NOT to do to get where they need or want to be. Beyonce is the definition of what it is to be a WOMAN. She handles her business not letting little sh*t like rumors and trash talking get in her way. If you ask me there are a lot of women who need to ADMIT that its not that they don't like her....they are JEALOUS! Yeah I said it....JEALOUS! You know...that ugly little word that accompanies ENVY? Yeah that too! I'm just going say that instead of all the name calling and hatrd towards a woman that you hardly know, why don't the haters put that energy into doing something productive to perfect their grind and swagg like going back to school, starting a business, work harder at your current job to get a somthing! All this wasted time hating eachother is WHACK! PLAYED OUT!!! If you're not about elevation and helping eachother instead of tearing eachother down...then you really shouldn't open your mouth saying ANYTHING about another WOMAN who has the guts, drive, intelligence, talent and ambition to get to where she wants to go! Better terminology: Get off your asses and do something productive besides hating eachother. I can garentee that while people are sitting back hating on these successful women like Beyonce...they are sitting back laughing like: I'm STILL doing my thang....what are you doing productive in your life?

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

What would you like to know about sex and relationships?

Ask me anything....I'll give you the REAL! Have something you need an opinion or an answer on as far as your relationship? Sex life? Let me know! Maybe I can help. I promise to be objective, non-judgemental, honest, fair, and remain neutral. Leave your question as a comment and I'll get back!

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sex Marathon kills winner: Downed viagra! SMH

Read the article:

I know death is not funny...but sometimes people do the darndest things and LMMFAO! Sorry but this was TOO hilarious to pass! While I do send my condolences out to the family and friends of this 28 yr old man who was clearly not thinking with the RIGHT head. I would say that from a man's perspective...he died the way that most men would DREAM...The women placed the bet ($4,300), viagra was taken and they (all 3 of them) went at it! I don't know about yall but I find this effin hysterical!

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe) lol!

Chris Brown/Rihanna aka Ike and Tina: Til the next episode!

I have been reading up on this whole Chris Brown and Rihanna aka Ike and Tina situation for the last few weeks. I can say that I honestly feel for the both of them and I too have been in their shoes. Well Rihanna's shoes. HOWEVER, I was not about to go back to an abuser...matter of fact the first time my ex hit me I was out the door. Turns out he was a looney tune and kept coming after me. With this said and how Rihanna's family have spoken up about their disagreement with her choice to return to Chris, it seems as though Rihanna was raised to know her worth and that she deserves better. She has the world in her hands and more money than many of us will EVER see in a life time. So why go back to someone who's beating the dog sh*t out of you? To me it seems as though Chris has some kind of control issue and mind you he is still a child and he's displaying child like behaviors. Temper tantrums all because he got caught being sneaky (like a kid with his hand in the cookies) and wanted to have his way. I will not sit here though and say that I was not a Chris Brown I did love his work! But I find it rather difficult now to buy, burn, download...(whatever method of obtaining his music at the because everything he sings about is now a lie while he's beating on women but singing like he's a woman lover. He may very well love Rihanna and other women but how could anyone want to hurt someone they supposedly love? This incident is to me like a modern day Ike and Tina Turner episode..."eat the damn cake Anna Mae"...and..."you think my music sound the same"...and "it's alright...he just been under a lot of pressure with the writing and recording and touring". I recently posted 2 dialogues on my facebook page of how I thought the situation went between Chris and Rihanna. It looks like the first one I posted was the correct version. (I will post them on here so stay tuned for that). I think as this situation grows in details I am feeling less sympathy for Rihanna because of her decision to take him back. I know she probably feels like she can save Chris but HONESTLY...that man (and I use the term loosely) has to want to be saved and he has to save HIMSELF meaning he has to WANT to change. No matter what she may have done to cause the fight *IF* she did anything at all he should have walked away...beating her to that extent is inexcusable on so many levels and speaks VOLUMES about his character. Chris has some control issues that he needs to address because I can garentee on everything I own that he would not have hit a man like that. Now that all that is said...even though I don't personally agree with Rihanna's decision to go back to Chris or either of them being in eachother lives for that matter I do wish them the best and hope for a better outcome of this MESS that they have stumbled on. But God help Rihanna because like I said I too have been there and have seen this same story before with people that I know and people I dont know and the situation NEVER gets better. Always worse! But I'm hoping for the best...for BOTH of them. Chris should NOT be able to just walk away from this untouched. I mean not just a slap on the wrist. I mean atleast 6 months to a year. If T.I., Michael Vick and Mystikal can go to jail then so can Chris Brown. I can almost bet everything that there will be a NEXT time...BUT hopefully not.

~BTJM (ButThatsJustMe)